Taking Over The QA Software Testing Space In 5 Years

The Test Lead
4 min readJul 24, 2023

I think it’s time to shake up the QA Software testing space for both manual and automation QA.

Recently I had my birthday and planned out my personal goals for the next 1,5, and 10 years of my life dealing with my family, career, and everything else. But then I sat and thought what about my platform as “The Test Lead”? What was next for me. It took me a few days, but I finally mapped some things out and created a plan and few milestones.

I am going to share it now and I am open to suggestions and critiques as always especially from people who have expertise in some of the areas.

1. Create The Largest QA Community

I have been in this field for about 8 years now. In my everyday life, outside of the workplace and a conference here and there, I never get to connect with other people in the QA space. Throughout my journey I have seen few Facebook group and LinkedIn group for software testers on both the manual and automation side. However they usually have less than 50 people and maybe 5 are actually active on a weekly basis.

Whether I am new to the QA space or 10+ years in, I wish I had a central place or platform to go to where I can talk and connect with people who have the same passion for testing as me.



The Test Lead

SDET at fintech company in NYC. Visit personal page http://thetestinglead.com// Twitter @juss_bailey Youtube @The Test Lead