Selenium Interview Questions

The Test Lead
3 min readJan 29, 2024

Selenium Basics:

Q: What is Selenium WebDriver, and how does it differ from Selenium IDE?

A: Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating web applications. It provides a programming interface for interacting with web elements and is more powerful than Selenium IDE, which is a record-and-playback tool.

Q: Explain the differences between implicit wait, and explicit wait.

A: Implicit wait sets a global timeout for the driver to wait for an element. Explicit wait waits for a specific condition to be met before proceeding.

Q: When would you use the driver.close() and driver.quit() methods in Selenium?

A: driver.close() closes the current browser window, while driver.quit() closes all browser windows and ends the WebDriver session. Use quit() to ensure all resources are released after testing.

Q: How can you handle multiple windows in Selenium WebDriver?

A: Use getWindowHandles() to get all window handles, switch between them using switchTo().window(handle), and close or interact with specific windows accordingly.

Locators and FindElement Strategies:

Q: Explain the differences between ID, Name, Class Name, and Tag Name locators in Selenium.



The Test Lead

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